Times of Change
In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been struggling to figure out how we can best continue to support women artists of color, including ourselves. Many artists and freelancers have been greatly impacted -- their gigs or events have been canceled and many of their survival jobs have suffered as well. Women artists of color, especially those who are queer or disabled, are especially effected. This has been true for us, for myself, and many of the other women on our team and in our family. We estimate that our canceled programming has lead to us losing at least $4,000 in gross income. For Women's History Month, we intended to announce and celebrate that Thinking In Full Color is now simply In Full Color.

As circumstances changed, we were at first unsure if we should continue with our rebranding. We realized, however, that if we allowed the coronavirus to impact our work any further now, we would be setting ourselves up to let it continue choking us later. So we are moving forward! While our name will be a little different, our mission will be the same -- we are continually devoted to empowering women of color through education and the arts. To celebrate, we're offering our supporters 20% off our entire store! Shop here and use code INFULLCOLOR to receive your discount through March 31.

Don't want any swag? Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to In Full Color and help us weather this storm! Please also note that some of our contact information is changing:
Web: http://www.infullcolor.org Email: summer@infullcolor.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infullcolorUS Instagram: @infullcolorUS_
If you already follow us on social media, there is no need to refollow -- those accounts will be changed automatically. Also, emails to our old address will be automatically forwarded. Lastly, for those looking for support and emergency funding, here are some helpful resources: Artist/Freelancer Emergency Funding and Resource Library Resources for Remote Work COVID-19 Funding Resources We will be sharing more in the coming weeks. Until then, stay safe and stay well. Sincerely,
Summer Dawn Reyes
Founder & Director, In Full Color